Relm was featured by Ryan Schultz, a prominent VR Blogger
Since 2017 Ryan Schultz has been gaining a devoted following by releasing blog articles about his experiences in all kinds of virtual reality spaces and metaverses.
His blog, is a comprehensive resource about social VR, virtual worlds, and the metaverse (you can find his definitions of those and other terms here). He does not cover online games made specifically for children, or online spaces that are designed for sexual experiences.
Ryan specializes in social VR, which is characterized by real-time interactions with other people in virtual reality. The worlds can support VR headset users and sometimes those without, and the content of these worlds is often partially or completely created by the participants. Ryan credits these social virtual worlds with lifting his depression.
Ryan was kind enough to tour Relm and include us on a list of over 160 entries of social VR and virtual worlds (updated Feb 2022):
We’re honored that Ryan took the time to explore our worlds and share about our mission to create a kinder, healthier corner of the internet. We look forward to growing and having more opportunities to share this tiny metaverse for life coaches and other transformation facilitators.
If you’re curious to learn more about Ryan’s community, we invite you to join the Discord server.